Thursday, November 17, 2011

ten things every girl should have.

Soooo, I was thinking this evening about how I'm actually pretty thankful for what I have. Cheesy, I know, 'cause Thanksgiving's coming up so soon and all, but that wasn't the reason. A certain little sixth grader I know..... has been having a few issues with friends lately. Which sucks because I didn't have these problem until this year and last year. Girls these days.... but enough with that! Another time, another post. It just got me thinking about how I'm really glad that I have an awesome family and awesome friends! But along with those things here's a little list of things that I think every girl should have (aka, what I'm thankful for)

10 Things I Think Every Girl Should Have
Tumblr_lts9boz7rp1qgmifno1_500_large1. Mascara & Eyeliner- I am not saying in any way, shape, or form that lots of make-up is a staple for every girl. Some people are naturally pretty, and I definitely wish I was more that way. But, just a light amount. My lashes are short so I tend to use a little more mascara but not as much eyeliner, though I do wear it almost always. As I've been trying to stress here, do not put on too much eyeliner. You may be mistaken for a raccoon. I tried to warn you...

2. Teasing Powder- This stuff is wonderful. But make sure you don't go all Snooki on me. It just keeps the teasing in place- something that otherwise is almost impossible. 

3. A Razor- Learn to shave your legs and whatnot at an appropriate age. Then regularly shave until you are physically unable to do so. THAT INCLUDES NOVEMBER. Yes, it is "No, Please Shave November." If you are a girl and participate in the other holiday celebrated by the male population this month, do NOT be offended if any mom, dad, friend, boyfriend, best friend, horse, pig, cow, chicken, ape, whatever says anything about it. Sorry.That's sick.

4. Eye Make-up Remover- Take all your make-up off before bed. Your skin will thank you. (:

5. Straightener/Curling Iron/Heat Styling Tools/Whatever- Just that one thing that helps you do that other thing to your hair...that you love. Even if it takes forever, it just looks so cute

6. A Favorite Book/T.V. Show/Movie- The thing you like to do. Whether it makes you laugh, cry, or just think, it's always something to look forward to.

7. Your iPod or MP3 Player- Loaded with tons of songs that make you want to dance, cry, laugh, or sing along. With a playlist for every one of your moods, of course.

8. Your Favorite Article of Clothing- It makes you look gooood and it's super adorable. It could be a sweater, pair of jeans, tshirt, skirt, dress, or, my personal favorite, a jean vest. Beautiful.

9. A Positive Attitude- Don't let anything or anyone get you down. It's not worth it. The best thing you can do for yourself is to be happy. And maybe your optimism will rub off on those around you and create a positive atmosphere... or maybe I'm dreaming again...? Which ever, it'd still be worth it if you were in a better mood, right?

10.A Pretty Smile- If your happy and you know it, smile. It's the best accessory to any and every outfit.
    Tumblr_lutdlhlo0u1qghb5to1_400_largewell, this is it. I mean, obviously there are more things you need that are more essential to life, like God, food, water, etc... but you know what I mean. 

    have a nice day and end of the week. next week's break for me, so I hope to post again soon. (:

    the lovely images you see above are from