Monday, October 31, 2011

we're just silly little girls.

I'll start this post by wishing everyone a Happy Halloween. I love fall and am most definitely in the spirit of the season (:

Now on to the point. It's... surprise, surprise... a list! I'm a list kinda person. Keeps me organized. Here's a list of things I think that every girl should know. But this is a short list of some things I've learned and can and possibly will be added to frequently.

1. Some things just need let go. 
Breathe. It's over. Eventually you'll realize there is a good reason that it didn't work out, and something better happened because you moved on.

2. We need to realize this is an ocean, not a fish tank.
Tons of other guys, girls, fish, whatever in the sea.

3. We aren't perfect, and neither are they.
This one pertains to myself, mostly. I get the "I'm not perfect" part. But I really need to stop expecting everyone else to be... awful habit of mine.

4. Differences are not the same thing as flaws.
Just because someone isn't just like you isn't a bad thing. At all.

5. Be yourself.
Seriously, I know how cliche this is. But being yourself doesn't mean not following some trends. It means following the ones YOU like, not doing them because they're "cool". And it's not just what you wear, it's also how you act, how you present yourself, what you believe in, what you do, or what you don't do. I could go on and on with this stuff. Do what you want. Be who you want to be. Whatever. Be real, be you. Otherwise you're just one of the many. Be one of the few. Please?

we'll just stick with these for now. I know there are a ton of other things that are probably more important. but i'll leave you with this stuff for now, and hopefully post soon with something very much worth reading. (I hope)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

excuse my ocd for a second, please.

So, I don't know if I've mentioned how much of a spaz I am yet? If I haven't, you're about to find out. I apologize.

The first thing I'll let you know- I can be the happiest, strangest, most gowithwhateverbecauseitreallydoesn'tmattertome kind of person, or I can just be straight up please-let-this-day-be-over. It's legitimately ridiculous, and I am sorry. I really could be insane. They just haven't tested me.

Next thing you may or may not care about- I really try to have a positive outlook. It just sometimes doesn't work and my (hugeee) sarcastic side will just take over. And to deal with all the mean people, I think things. Loudly. But try and make sure they don't come out of my mouth. This way I don't get myself into trouble. Those two were very sort of unrelated. I am sorry-ish.

Third thing- I can't sing. Sorry if you've ever had to hear it. I just kinda yell. Obnoxiously. It's more fun anyways.

And now for what's relevant to this post- I am really organized. Otherwise I have a lot of issues and kinda freak out. And I get in a big bad mood and sayalotofthingswaytoofastlikethisandallmysentencesruntogetherandit'sreallyprettyannoying. So I try and keep things in the right place and get everything done on time. But I have to stay organized in order to do so.

this is how i do itttt:
1. Give everything a place. And actually keep it there. So much easier than scrambling around to try and find stuff.
2. Do not procrastinate. (Okay, this really doesn't count because I do it. Sometimes. I am getting better.)
3. Complaining is good for two things- negativity and something else that isn't good. Yeah, I know. You feel better when you do. Somehow? But when I complain or rant about something, it just puts me in a worse mood. So if you don't like something, change it. Or at least try. If you can do something better, then do it. because nobody wants to hear all your good ideas if you aren't going to do anything about it.
4. Get enough sleep.
5. Spend time being productive when you have things to do. Got a big essay to type? Use a computer that doesn't have Internet access. If you need the Internet, use it to print off some information, then get to the other computer. Less of a distraction. Hello, A+.
6. Study. If you have a test, study. I'm not gonna say don't wait until the night before and cram, because that's what I do. It's always worked for me, but it may not for you. So find a good way to study and fill your brain with all the information you can possibly fit.
7. The "I Can and I Will" attitude. Somehow, you need to remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. If there's a will, there's a way. Make it work.

This is all I've got for the present time. I'll let you know if I think of anything else that could help you out. Don't forget to go over and click the "follow" button if you're new to this blog. And leave a comment if you have any suggestions for me. Thanks!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


over my what? fifteen years of life, i have collected a small amount of knowledge that is actually very useful in some situations.

like, stay calm and walk away because people that try to tear you down are never going to amount to anything more than what you will if you learn that they aren't worth your time.... yeah, that's a hard one to learn. and it's pretty harsh. but don't we live in an awfully harsh world? pretty much.

but, i'm definitely not the wisest. and i find that many inspirational quotes come from wise old men (or women) that have lived most of their life and are looking back on what they would've changed. if we look at what they would've changed and change it before it happens then we can maybe live our lives a little fuller. you get me? 

so, i have quite a collection going here. and i think i'll share a small bit of them now, and save some for later. like when they apply to my life, or i find one that's really good. maybe it'll help us all out. 

I find that Dr. Seuss has some strangely genius quotes. Simple and to the point, which i like. No dissecting necessary. 
  • "today you are you. that is truer than true. there is no one alive that is youer than you."
  • "be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
  • "sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
that's only a few. 
but next, i'm gonna be really honest. i'd like to say i found these off a nice little website, but i don't. and this is 2011. i follow Brotips_HQ on twitter. Yes, i am a girl. No, i am not ashamed. they're honestly my favorite thing i follow. some of the best "advice" i've ever gotten has come from them. so here's a few:
  • "#1165. Be confident, bro. Just because you make mistakes doesn't mean you are one. #brotips #sub"
  • "#1162. The risks of breaking out of your comfort zone aren't nearly as bad as the risks of staying in it your whole life. #brotips #sub"
  • "#1148. Start an actual conversation with her. All of that, "Sup? Nothing much, you?" bs won't get you anywhere. #brotips"
  • "1140. Calm down and walk away. Sometimes it's better for your ego to take hits, rather than your face. #brotips"
  • "1134. Learn how to take a hint, bro. #brotips"
  • "1118. Don't be under the influence. Don't be above the influence. Be the influence. #brotips #sub"
OH MY GOSH. they have soooo many more awesome stuff. seriously. follow them. @Brotips_HQ. and while you're at it, follow me @liiiv2015. yeah, three i's. 

and, i'll leave you with these two things. the first is this awesome picture. i think we should all have one of these somewhere you can see it. cause everytime i see this i just smile. 

photo from 
Second is the song is "All She Could Be" by Sara Solovay and "Someone Like You" by Adele. "All She Could Be" was on The Lying Game, yeah. If you think it's familiar that may be where you've heard it. I've had it for a little while, and i'm not sure if i had posted something about it earlier, but i do really like it.

Then, "Someone Like You". So, I know you've most likely heard the song. But I do really like Adele. And this song is so calm and powerful. Beautiful. So, go ahead and listen to it. You know you want to.
