You all get this feeling. You know, the one where you wanna pull all your hair out. Even though it's SUMMER!
I know most kids in school are happy that they don't have classes anymore. But everybody knows that the amount of free time in summer adds up, and it's enough to drive you to clean! That's not something I'm planning on doing anytime soon, so I decided to compile a list of interesting things to do during summer break. Boredom busters, if you will. Because we all know 3,495,873,498,573,498 hours of Facebook/Twitter/texting can make you i n s a n e.
1. Tae Bo. Yes, exercise. No, it's not fun. But afterwards, you really feel 1,000,000 times better. Yoga is good too! (and relaxing!)
2. Put together outfits. That way when you DO finally have something to do, you'll look good, too!
3. Think. But don't over-think. That's not good.
4. Look up new music. It's always fun to find a relatively unknown band, that way, when they become popular, you can claim that YOU knew of them FIRST.
5. Go on a bike ride. Yes, I know. Exercising yet again. Sorry! But, this one can be really fun. (Even though I totally freak out when I do :o)
6. Swim. Duh!
7. Lay out. But don't forget the sunscreen! (If you do, I'll leave a post with an awesome way to prevent peeling and making sure the burn turns brown. No point in the pain, if it doesn't tan, right?)
8. Baggie ice cream. Awesome! (I'll put a recipe for this, too)
9. Movie Day. Relax. That's what summer's about, right?
10. Take up an activity. You know that thing your mom's bugging you to do? Try it. Maybe you'll like it... or not. You'll never know if you don't try!
11. Read a book. I have a long list of good reads :o)
12. hahahahha. Yes, it's a website you've probably heard of. But I could spend an entire week reading these things. It's horrible, but I laugh. It's hard not too;)
13. Start a blog. Kind of ironic, because that's what I'm doing now. Beating summer boredom, by blogging. Guess it isn't toooo bad.
14. Learn how to tell time by the sun. No, it isn't original. I got it off this website:, but you can't deny that you've always wanted to learn how to! No need for a watch anymore. Impress your friends. I'd be impressed if I was your friend.
15. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN your and you're, its and it's, too, two, and to, and their, there, and they're. It'd be much appreciated. :)
16. Paint your nails. or toes. My toes are permanently black. My mom hates it, but I could do worse things, right?
17. Bond with your siblings. You'll love 'em all when you're older anyways. Why not start early?
18. Do something you've been meaning to do. You won't regret it. (as long as it's legal, sane, etc...) Carpe Diem! Seize the day!
19. Speaking of the phrase... watch Dead Poet's Society. Best. Movie. Ever.
20. Take pictures. Document the summer you could have spent doing nothing, but didn't!
Alright.. I can't think of anything else.. but hey, this is a good start. Have a happy, non-boring summer!
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