Thursday, July 21, 2011

finishing out the look.

Alright, I know.. I'm on a roll. Three posts in a day? Crazy... I'm making up for all I've missed. But while I'm at it.. I might as well finish the look and go with some make up...

I start my make up routine with some BareMinerals foundation in Medium..

Then, I take some BareMinerals blush in Promise

Next, I use NYX double sided eye liner and shadow. I use the black side for top and bottom liner and the white for my lid.

Here's what I usually look like after the foundation, liner, and blush:

Okay, now for the shadow... First off, I used Lancome Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow in Latte (matte), Waif (matte), mannequin (shimmer), and The New Black (shimmer)

Top Left- Waif
Top Right- Latte
Bottom Left- The New Black
Bottom Right- Mannequin

I covered my entire eye with Latte.
I used Waif as kind of a liner.. with a small brush, I took it around my eye where the liner is.
Just the lid was covered with Mannequin.
The New Black was used on the crease and the outside of my eye.

Here's what it looks like:

Then, to finish it off, I use Last Blast Fusion mascara in Jet Black

And here's the finished look:

Have fun going out! 

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