Wednesday, December 7, 2011

here's to the christmas season.

I love Christmas. The whole season is lots of fun, and it helps that I love winter also! To help get you all in the spirit (if you aren't already), here are some of my favorite things about the holiday...

Lights, trees, sparkles, red, gold, green, everything! We have a huge supply of decorations at my house and put them up every year. Here are some of the things we put up every year...

thanks to my little sister for the last three pictures (:

hot chocolate.


I realize how cold it is, but everything's just so pretty covered in a blanket of the glittering white flakes.


family time.
For some reason, my family seems to get along a little more around the holidays, and I enjoy spending time with them.

holiday baking. ♥
And finally, my favorite thing to do during break: baking. We make tons of stuff, including the traditional Christmas cookies, caramels, shortbread, monster cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, buckeyes,  caramel delights, white chocolate Chex mix, and other things we stumble upon that sound good for the holidays. Tupperware, tins, trays, and bowls full of unhealthy things that taste so delicious.  There's one time of the year that all of these things are made at one time, and it's so much fun. I love baking, so it's just a great time to make memories with my mother and sisters in the kitchen. 

These are some of my favorite things about the holidays. What about you? Comment, follow, or leave suggestions. Thanks for reading! 
Have a great holiday season. 
XOXO, liv.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

ten things every girl should have.

Soooo, I was thinking this evening about how I'm actually pretty thankful for what I have. Cheesy, I know, 'cause Thanksgiving's coming up so soon and all, but that wasn't the reason. A certain little sixth grader I know..... has been having a few issues with friends lately. Which sucks because I didn't have these problem until this year and last year. Girls these days.... but enough with that! Another time, another post. It just got me thinking about how I'm really glad that I have an awesome family and awesome friends! But along with those things here's a little list of things that I think every girl should have (aka, what I'm thankful for)

10 Things I Think Every Girl Should Have
Tumblr_lts9boz7rp1qgmifno1_500_large1. Mascara & Eyeliner- I am not saying in any way, shape, or form that lots of make-up is a staple for every girl. Some people are naturally pretty, and I definitely wish I was more that way. But, just a light amount. My lashes are short so I tend to use a little more mascara but not as much eyeliner, though I do wear it almost always. As I've been trying to stress here, do not put on too much eyeliner. You may be mistaken for a raccoon. I tried to warn you...

2. Teasing Powder- This stuff is wonderful. But make sure you don't go all Snooki on me. It just keeps the teasing in place- something that otherwise is almost impossible. 

3. A Razor- Learn to shave your legs and whatnot at an appropriate age. Then regularly shave until you are physically unable to do so. THAT INCLUDES NOVEMBER. Yes, it is "No, Please Shave November." If you are a girl and participate in the other holiday celebrated by the male population this month, do NOT be offended if any mom, dad, friend, boyfriend, best friend, horse, pig, cow, chicken, ape, whatever says anything about it. Sorry.That's sick.

4. Eye Make-up Remover- Take all your make-up off before bed. Your skin will thank you. (:

5. Straightener/Curling Iron/Heat Styling Tools/Whatever- Just that one thing that helps you do that other thing to your hair...that you love. Even if it takes forever, it just looks so cute

6. A Favorite Book/T.V. Show/Movie- The thing you like to do. Whether it makes you laugh, cry, or just think, it's always something to look forward to.

7. Your iPod or MP3 Player- Loaded with tons of songs that make you want to dance, cry, laugh, or sing along. With a playlist for every one of your moods, of course.

8. Your Favorite Article of Clothing- It makes you look gooood and it's super adorable. It could be a sweater, pair of jeans, tshirt, skirt, dress, or, my personal favorite, a jean vest. Beautiful.

9. A Positive Attitude- Don't let anything or anyone get you down. It's not worth it. The best thing you can do for yourself is to be happy. And maybe your optimism will rub off on those around you and create a positive atmosphere... or maybe I'm dreaming again...? Which ever, it'd still be worth it if you were in a better mood, right?

10.A Pretty Smile- If your happy and you know it, smile. It's the best accessory to any and every outfit.
    Tumblr_lutdlhlo0u1qghb5to1_400_largewell, this is it. I mean, obviously there are more things you need that are more essential to life, like God, food, water, etc... but you know what I mean. 

    have a nice day and end of the week. next week's break for me, so I hope to post again soon. (:

    the lovely images you see above are from

    Monday, October 31, 2011

    we're just silly little girls.

    I'll start this post by wishing everyone a Happy Halloween. I love fall and am most definitely in the spirit of the season (:

    Now on to the point. It's... surprise, surprise... a list! I'm a list kinda person. Keeps me organized. Here's a list of things I think that every girl should know. But this is a short list of some things I've learned and can and possibly will be added to frequently.

    1. Some things just need let go. 
    Breathe. It's over. Eventually you'll realize there is a good reason that it didn't work out, and something better happened because you moved on.

    2. We need to realize this is an ocean, not a fish tank.
    Tons of other guys, girls, fish, whatever in the sea.

    3. We aren't perfect, and neither are they.
    This one pertains to myself, mostly. I get the "I'm not perfect" part. But I really need to stop expecting everyone else to be... awful habit of mine.

    4. Differences are not the same thing as flaws.
    Just because someone isn't just like you isn't a bad thing. At all.

    5. Be yourself.
    Seriously, I know how cliche this is. But being yourself doesn't mean not following some trends. It means following the ones YOU like, not doing them because they're "cool". And it's not just what you wear, it's also how you act, how you present yourself, what you believe in, what you do, or what you don't do. I could go on and on with this stuff. Do what you want. Be who you want to be. Whatever. Be real, be you. Otherwise you're just one of the many. Be one of the few. Please?

    we'll just stick with these for now. I know there are a ton of other things that are probably more important. but i'll leave you with this stuff for now, and hopefully post soon with something very much worth reading. (I hope)


    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    excuse my ocd for a second, please.

    So, I don't know if I've mentioned how much of a spaz I am yet? If I haven't, you're about to find out. I apologize.

    The first thing I'll let you know- I can be the happiest, strangest, most gowithwhateverbecauseitreallydoesn'tmattertome kind of person, or I can just be straight up please-let-this-day-be-over. It's legitimately ridiculous, and I am sorry. I really could be insane. They just haven't tested me.

    Next thing you may or may not care about- I really try to have a positive outlook. It just sometimes doesn't work and my (hugeee) sarcastic side will just take over. And to deal with all the mean people, I think things. Loudly. But try and make sure they don't come out of my mouth. This way I don't get myself into trouble. Those two were very sort of unrelated. I am sorry-ish.

    Third thing- I can't sing. Sorry if you've ever had to hear it. I just kinda yell. Obnoxiously. It's more fun anyways.

    And now for what's relevant to this post- I am really organized. Otherwise I have a lot of issues and kinda freak out. And I get in a big bad mood and sayalotofthingswaytoofastlikethisandallmysentencesruntogetherandit'sreallyprettyannoying. So I try and keep things in the right place and get everything done on time. But I have to stay organized in order to do so.

    this is how i do itttt:
    1. Give everything a place. And actually keep it there. So much easier than scrambling around to try and find stuff.
    2. Do not procrastinate. (Okay, this really doesn't count because I do it. Sometimes. I am getting better.)
    3. Complaining is good for two things- negativity and something else that isn't good. Yeah, I know. You feel better when you do. Somehow? But when I complain or rant about something, it just puts me in a worse mood. So if you don't like something, change it. Or at least try. If you can do something better, then do it. because nobody wants to hear all your good ideas if you aren't going to do anything about it.
    4. Get enough sleep.
    5. Spend time being productive when you have things to do. Got a big essay to type? Use a computer that doesn't have Internet access. If you need the Internet, use it to print off some information, then get to the other computer. Less of a distraction. Hello, A+.
    6. Study. If you have a test, study. I'm not gonna say don't wait until the night before and cram, because that's what I do. It's always worked for me, but it may not for you. So find a good way to study and fill your brain with all the information you can possibly fit.
    7. The "I Can and I Will" attitude. Somehow, you need to remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. If there's a will, there's a way. Make it work.

    This is all I've got for the present time. I'll let you know if I think of anything else that could help you out. Don't forget to go over and click the "follow" button if you're new to this blog. And leave a comment if you have any suggestions for me. Thanks!

    Sunday, October 9, 2011


    over my what? fifteen years of life, i have collected a small amount of knowledge that is actually very useful in some situations.

    like, stay calm and walk away because people that try to tear you down are never going to amount to anything more than what you will if you learn that they aren't worth your time.... yeah, that's a hard one to learn. and it's pretty harsh. but don't we live in an awfully harsh world? pretty much.

    but, i'm definitely not the wisest. and i find that many inspirational quotes come from wise old men (or women) that have lived most of their life and are looking back on what they would've changed. if we look at what they would've changed and change it before it happens then we can maybe live our lives a little fuller. you get me? 

    so, i have quite a collection going here. and i think i'll share a small bit of them now, and save some for later. like when they apply to my life, or i find one that's really good. maybe it'll help us all out. 

    I find that Dr. Seuss has some strangely genius quotes. Simple and to the point, which i like. No dissecting necessary. 
    • "today you are you. that is truer than true. there is no one alive that is youer than you."
    • "be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    • "sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
    that's only a few. 
    but next, i'm gonna be really honest. i'd like to say i found these off a nice little website, but i don't. and this is 2011. i follow Brotips_HQ on twitter. Yes, i am a girl. No, i am not ashamed. they're honestly my favorite thing i follow. some of the best "advice" i've ever gotten has come from them. so here's a few:
    • "#1165. Be confident, bro. Just because you make mistakes doesn't mean you are one. #brotips #sub"
    • "#1162. The risks of breaking out of your comfort zone aren't nearly as bad as the risks of staying in it your whole life. #brotips #sub"
    • "#1148. Start an actual conversation with her. All of that, "Sup? Nothing much, you?" bs won't get you anywhere. #brotips"
    • "1140. Calm down and walk away. Sometimes it's better for your ego to take hits, rather than your face. #brotips"
    • "1134. Learn how to take a hint, bro. #brotips"
    • "1118. Don't be under the influence. Don't be above the influence. Be the influence. #brotips #sub"
    OH MY GOSH. they have soooo many more awesome stuff. seriously. follow them. @Brotips_HQ. and while you're at it, follow me @liiiv2015. yeah, three i's. 

    and, i'll leave you with these two things. the first is this awesome picture. i think we should all have one of these somewhere you can see it. cause everytime i see this i just smile. 

    photo from 
    Second is the song is "All She Could Be" by Sara Solovay and "Someone Like You" by Adele. "All She Could Be" was on The Lying Game, yeah. If you think it's familiar that may be where you've heard it. I've had it for a little while, and i'm not sure if i had posted something about it earlier, but i do really like it.

    Then, "Someone Like You". So, I know you've most likely heard the song. But I do really like Adele. And this song is so calm and powerful. Beautiful. So, go ahead and listen to it. You know you want to.


    Monday, September 19, 2011


    as you may or may not have noticed, i changed the website for my blog. this is because i'm beginning the long, continuous, ongoing process of re-doing my entire blog. so, i apologize for all the ugly-ness of new and old stuff mixed on here. it's a bad time to do it, but it's obviously in dire need of it. sooo... i hope it all ends up all prettiful and stuff.

    again, i apologize for the inconveniences of the crazy looking mixed up blog. i'll try and get it done as sooooon as possible.

    that is all.


    Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    Hello, again.

    It's been quite a while since we've last, well, for lack of a better word, reunited. And I apologize. But here I am again with some good news. I went shopping. A few times, actually. Annnnd, I stocked up my wardrobe on some pretty clothes. YAY! The good news is, you can see my results. Very exciting? I think sooooooo. For me at least. (:

    Shopping Trip #1: It wasn't much of a trip, but I did get my TOMS. I ended up with the Blue Metallic Linen Vegan ones. Love them. They really look silver, which is why I got them. They're so comfy, cute, and versatile. I feel like I can wear them with anything.

    I got the boyfriend sweater from H&M for $15
    Necklace from F21 for $4.50
    I love the sweater, it's so comfy and cute.

    Shopping Trip #2: I went with my sister and one of my friends. Such a fun time. I got the majority of my stuff on this trip. I hit up Forever21, H&M, and Hollister, and American. Here are some of the results:

    Skirt-F21 $15
    I like the cute floral pattern on the skirt!

    Dress- H&M $18
    It's hard to see the print, but it's a flower print also.
    I got a cute jean vest that can go over this also, to make it more casual.

    YOGA PANTS!!- American Eagle $30
    So. So. So. Comfy.
    Scarf- H&M $7.50
    High-waisted short- F21 $15
    I can't decide if I really love the shorts on me.
    But, if I can find the right outfit, I'm sure I'll love them.

    *by the way, since I just got around to getting these pictures taken, I have the extensions I talk about below in. so, now you know what they look like, in case you were wondering.

     Shopping Trip #3: I bought myself some new extensions. I had a set of 14" clip-in extensions last summer, but my hair grew and I didn't take care of them properly, so they didn't last. This time, I got 18" extensions and hopefully I'll treat them better. That's the plan. Along with the extensions, I also got my homecoming dress. I'm pretty excited about it, and now all I need is a date. No big deal. I still have a while. Anyways, here's the dress...

    I love the color! It's like a shiny champagne. 

    feathers and rhinestones- two of my favorite things
    I just need a little tan, now.

    And, with all that being said: I am sorry it took so long. But, to catch you up on my life, here are the recent important events:
    1. My pigs are sold. Gone. And probably slaughtered. (Oh, I'm sorry, harvested is the "politically correct term.")
    2. Our cheer squad also competed at our county fair. AND WE WON. For the first time, our school kicked some butt and won the competition. Such an exciting moment. Even the fairy glitter running all over my face couldn't spoil all our happiness.
    3. School started. Finally. Hello, freshman year.
    4. It's footballlllll season, and I'm down cheering on the sidelines for the first time. So much fun.
    5. The weather is starting to get colder. You know what that means? Fall wardrobe. My favorite season!

    Thanks for reading. Leave comments and opinions below. Be nice. Thank youuuuu (:

    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    whoa, a new post?

    HI. i know it's been like 435798475983475983745 years since i've last posted. it feels like it at least. but i have a (another) good excuse.. my stupid internet went down. again. rawr. whatever. but, i have good news. one, i am ordering my toms AS WE SPEAK. more good news? shopping saturday. MORE good news, i don't know. but  i have bad news too. round two of braces soon. like, maybe january. shoot me..... if only they were done right the first time...... i'm not looking forward to that, but i'll live.

    on to the point of this post: there really is none.

    Aside from my internet being down, the real reason i haven't posted is due to the fact that i'm stumped on topics. sorry. i'll let you know when my brain starts to actually function again. (or about sunday after my shopping trip)

    I know it's about time for school to start up again though.. so i really am looking forward to
    1. Fair. in about a week. county fair. so fun! hopefully i'll have lots to blog about then. i show pigs. yum.
    2. Football games. Yeah, i'm one of those girls that stand on the sidelines and yell for the guys. oh, right. cheerleaders.
    3. Competition. Cheer competitions are mainly in winter, but we had our state fair competition a few weekends ago, and now county fair is coming up... excited.
    4. School. Yep, ours still hasn't started, but it will on the 7th.

    Not looking forward to... finishing my summer novel. it's not long, but it isn't interesting. page 60. now about 300 to go? procrastination........

    alright, i'm gonna stop going on and on, and end with this.

    you are welcome. 


    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    back to school shopping

    So, my birthday was about two weeks ago. Perfect way to spend the money burning a whole in my pocket- BTS SHOPPING! Yay! My wardrobe needs some updating. what's new? Here are some of the things I want/need to head on back to school. But what kind of things do I want? Take a look.

    I really love fall clothes and shoes. Boots, long sleeves, jeans, and sweaters. So I'm always excited when fall comes around. I'm definitely a bargain shopper and I love looking at clearance racks for some great deals, too. So, that's where I find most of my stuff.

    First thing- shoes.
    I'm more of a flat shoe kinda girl. Not a good thing, because I'm a whopping five foot one and a half inches. I'll get some heels when I have the right outfits for them... maybe. Ha.


     Charlotte Russe
    Ruched-Front Flat Ankle Boot

    I'm in dire need of a pair of ankle boots. These ones also come in a light brown-ish color, but I guess I like more of a gray/black color scheme.

    Pewter Metallic Woven Women's Vegan

    Yeah, I like these TOMS better than the sparkly ones. I think they'll go with more and are a little less bold, so easier to wear. I love the One for One deal. If you haven't heard about it, for each pair of TOMS you buy, a kid in need also gets a pair. It makes buying shoes feel great. 


    Robyn Faded Floral Skirt

    I need to dress up my wardrobe this year. I'm used to jeans, shorts, etc, with a sweater or a tee. Add a necklace. Done. I want to add some vintage pieces and some girly-er additions. Change it up a bit. New year. Fresh start.

    Jess Skirt

    I love floral prints. They're cute, girly, and fun. I need that.

    Next- tops

    Graphic Dolman Tee

    Peacock feathers (or feathers in general) are very "in" right now. So is the off-the-shoulder look. That gives this shirt two thumbs up. Yes.

    Sophie Banded Bottom

    Off the shoulder? Check.

    Last thing- casual dresses

    Paisley Floral Dress

    I am also in dire need of CASUAL dresses. The ones you can wear to school. The kinds I like aren't exactly easy to find in stores, but online at F21, I see quite a few I like. Check it out, if you need some too. Riiiight, here.

    Confetti Knit Dress

    A simple dress with a cute belt. Classic & chic.

    actually, now last, these shorts

    Matelot Herringbone Short

    I want to try a pair of high-waisted shorts. They're super cute & can be dressed up or down depending on what you wear them with. Very versatile and adorable, thank you very much.

    That's all for now... hopefully I'll be able to find some of these things later this week, or when I end up going. I also got a super cute purse for my birthday, so after this shopping trip, I'll have pictures of everything for you. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to follow my blog, and/or comment!

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    you out clubbin' well i just made caramel delights ;)

    Wanna make the best cookies you've ever tasted in your entire life? Go here. I promise you, you'll love them. Caramel Delights. mmm, mmm, good. (:

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011


    Okay, let's play a game. Actually, not exactly. But lately I've been thinking a lot, which, is dangerous. But.. my recently added playlist on iTunes has helped me make some decisions and clear my mind and such. So, I'll name a few songs that I liked, and you can check 'em out if you want.

    1. It Matters to Me- Jason Castro
    "oh, baby what's on your mind? let's take it slow, i wanna hear every word you say tonight..."

    2. Strip Me- Natasha Bedingfield
    "take what you want, steal my pride, build me up or cut me down to size. shut me out, but i'll just scream. i'm only one voice in a million, but you ain't takin' that from me."

    3. Best Thing I Never Had- Beyonce
    "thank God you blew it, thank God i dodged a bullet, i'm so over you, so baby so good lookin' out.."

    4. I Know You Know- The Friendly Indians (Psych theme song. best. show. ever.)
    "i'm not inclined to resign to maturity.."

    5. Mississippi Girl- Faith Hill
    "cause a mississippi girl don't change her ways, just cause everybody knows her name.."

    6. Nothing- The Script
    "and my mates are all there tryin' to calm me down, cause i'm shoutin' your name all over town. i'm swearin' if i go there now, i can change her mind, turn it all around"

    7. Not Meant to Be- Theory of a Deadman (yes, i just got this song. i'm ashamed to admit it.)
    "it's like one step forward and two steps back, no matter what i do you're always mad. and i, i can't change your mind"

    ALRIGHT, i do have more. but these are my favorites and i don't wanna bother you with songs that are just okay. Hope you like 'em. (:

    Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking of beginning to make my own clothes, so hopefully all goes well. I'll let you know what happens with it. If it works out, I'll post pics and maybe a tutorial or so. Just depends. I can't seem to find exactly what I want in stores, so maybe this will be a solution...

    thanks for reading, and don't forget to follow my blog and/or comment with suggestions (:

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011


    I got 'em. Finally. But not the Sultra ones. The ones I wanted were out of stock, blah, blah, blah. Oh well, 'cause I found a replacementttttt (:

    YAY! I loved using this website because you could pick the colors, it was reasonably priced, and they got here in less than a week! They were supposed to arrive in 7-14 days. They got here in 5. Solid!

    Anyways... You have a choice of 3 feathers for $14, 4 feathers for $17, or 5 feathers for $20. Then, you can pick from a large variety of colors. Actually, 25 colors to be exact. These kits come with 2 crimp beads (to match your hair color) and a threading tool to install them. It asks your hair length to get an idea of how long the feathers should be, and mine went great with my length of hair (thank you!). You can also add 10 more beads for $3 or pliers to install them for $10. Shipping is $2 for standard shipping, which is what I got.

    They're super easy to install and are really durable.

    Step 1: Find the spot where you want to put your feathers. Mine are right under my bangs, and above my ear, like, at my eyebrow.

    Step 2: Take the wire tool and bend it in half. Put a little bit of hair in the loop. Make sure you don't put too much hair in there, though, or else the feathers will stick out. Thread the bead through both ends of the tool, and pull it through, all the way up the strand of hair that you're putting your feathers on.

    Step 3: Thread your feathers through the bead. Make sure the ends are sticking up through the bead.

    Step 4: Use pliers to clamp the bead down firmly, so your feathers will stay.

    Alright, welllll, you honestly probably didn't need my version of how to install them, because they have very detailed instructions on the website.

    Removal- Use the pliers and squeeze the bead the opposite way to make an "O" shape.

    They should stay in for about 2-4 months, but I haven't had mine long enough to tell you if that's true or not, though it seems like they probably will.

    On the other hand... The only negative issue I had with them was the fact that some of the crimp beads I ordered weren't "O" shaped.. They were more shut, if that makes any sense.... But to fix it, just use pliers to make them more of an "O" shape, like you're removing them. Kind of a pain, but no biggie.

    Here's what I ordered-

    I got 4 feathers. My primary feather was White (the striped one), my three accent feathers were Cream (wide), Silver (plain), and Brown (plain). I said I had Medium hair length, and that my hair was brown. I probably could have said it was black, because my hair is darker and the beads were lighter, but again, it was no big deal. I got the 10 extra beads, and standard shipping. So, my total was $22. Not too shabby,                                                                                            

    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    hey, you there!

    to everyone that reads this.....

    follow my blog. see that little thingy that says i have no followers. BE THE FIRST. yeah, click that little BE THE FIRST button. won't you feel cool when you're the first follower? i know i would......

    have a nice life,

    p.s.- comments are welcomed (please?) i'd love to know what you like/dislike about my posts and/or blog.
    THANKS! :)

    Thursday, July 21, 2011

    finishing out the look.

    Alright, I know.. I'm on a roll. Three posts in a day? Crazy... I'm making up for all I've missed. But while I'm at it.. I might as well finish the look and go with some make up...

    I start my make up routine with some BareMinerals foundation in Medium..

    Then, I take some BareMinerals blush in Promise

    Next, I use NYX double sided eye liner and shadow. I use the black side for top and bottom liner and the white for my lid.

    Here's what I usually look like after the foundation, liner, and blush:

    Okay, now for the shadow... First off, I used Lancome Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow in Latte (matte), Waif (matte), mannequin (shimmer), and The New Black (shimmer)

    Top Left- Waif
    Top Right- Latte
    Bottom Left- The New Black
    Bottom Right- Mannequin

    I covered my entire eye with Latte.
    I used Waif as kind of a liner.. with a small brush, I took it around my eye where the liner is.
    Just the lid was covered with Mannequin.
    The New Black was used on the crease and the outside of my eye.

    Here's what it looks like:

    Then, to finish it off, I use Last Blast Fusion mascara in Jet Black

    And here's the finished look:

    Have fun going out! 

    side messy bun.

    Okay, so it's been reallllly hot outside lately, and I don't know about you, but a 350 degree flat iron isn't what I want next to my head in 100 degree weather. No thanks. So here's an easy, no heat, cute way to put your hair up for summer.

    Step one.. Tease your hair. A lot.
    rockin' some cute, super-teased hair.
    Step two.. Gather your hair at the side of your head, next to your ear.

    Pull hair out of the ponytail to keep some volume.
    You can also use the long end of a rat tail comb and
    put it under your hair at the roots and pull up.

    Step three.. create a messy bun.
    Use pins to form the bun the way you like it
    Step four.. Twist your bangs and pin them back. You can also use hair flowers, feathers, and other accessories to make it cuteee.
    i <3 this feather (Maurices)
    The finished look:
    Okay, yeah. That was easy.. but I love the look of it. (: